Starting a new project is always the most exciting part for me. I have written an article about granite countertops. My project is to track the progress of this article rising in SERPs. Granite countertops is a very competitive search term, so I do not expect it to rise very rapidly. However, many of the existing pages are of low quality, so I think my article will beat them out of their spots. granite countertops The primary reason that I think I can dominate the term granite countertops is because my article is a high quality, optimized piece of work. The other pages ranking for this search phrase are extremely thin and/or, low-quality copy, are not utilizing on-page SEO, and have very few backlinks.
To beat them, I simply need to go to the opposite end of the spectrum from where they reside. My article on granite countertops is more than 900 words long, with less than 2.5% of those my keyword. The article is broken down into sections, demarked by various header tags. It has both internal and external links and offers an image with the alt tag correctly filled.
Currently, my target site is ranking at >100. Like I said, granite countertops is highly competitive and the article is only days old. I will continue to monitor the climb and when it breaks the top 10 pages, my scrutiny will double. In the meanwhile, I have other links to build with outreach. Later!
I wrote another article about granite kitchen countertops, be sure to check it out as well.
